
You can install BICePs from PyPI using pip:

$ pip install biceps

Coming soon:

$ conda install -c conda-forge biceps

Conda is a cross-platform package manager built especially for scientific python. It will install biceps along with all dependencies from a pre-compiled binary. If you don't have Python or the Anaconda package manager, we recommend starting with the Anaconda Scientific Python distribution, which comes pre-packaged with many of the core scientific python packages that biceps uses (see below), or with the Miniconda Python distribution, which is a bare-bones Python installation.

GitHub Take a look at our repository, peruse through our source code and submit issues.


Testing Your Installation

Coming soon.


  • Version 1.0: This release is non-production ready. This release contains archived scripts for various systems.
  • Version 2.0: Redesigned/generalized source code with convergence submodule for checking MCMC trajectories. Optional multiprocessing functionality for running simulations for each lambda value in parallel. Additional experimental observables include hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX).